About our Preschool

It is our aim to provide care and an early learning environment which is tailored to each individual child’s needs, in safe, secure, happy and relaxed surroundings.

We adhere to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) which is made up of a statutory framework for the Early Years. This sets the standards of learning, development and care for children from birth to five years. We provide a place for your child to develop a strong sense of belonging and to build their self-esteem and confidence. With a high regard given to your child’s personalised learning and through encouragement we help them to reach their full potential socially, physically and intellectually.

We have a teacher and an Early Years Educator who lead the room. They are supported by a Preschool Assistant. All our staff are qualified and have a high regard for their own professionalism. Our staff continue their personal development through various courses, updating their skills and keeping abreast of new ideas and developments. We carry out annual performance reviews, as well as termly supervisories, which enable us to identify ongoing training requirements as well as regular progress reviews and staff meetings.

The staff are deployed to cover the correct ratios in each area of the preschool, this ensures that your child’s needs are fully met; safety and security is of paramount importance. We welcome the opportunity to work closely with parents and have an open door policy. Your child is allocated a Key Person who will build a secure relationship with them and compile their learning journey on Class Dojo using a variety of narrative and photographic observations. We invite you to share with us any observations or personal achievements you may have noticed at home.

We adopt a positive approach in welcoming your child to our Preschool. This ensures they settle into the routines as easily as possible. We find a few short visits to preschool prior to starting with us will help your child familiarise themselves with their new environment.