
 Abbots Farm Infant School seeks to ensure that all children receive a full-time education which maximises opportunities for each child to realise their true potential. All school staff work with children and their families to ensure each child attends school regularly and punctually. 

Regular attendance at school is good for children. It helps their social development, health, and mental wellbeing. Children who attend school regularly improve their chances of being academically successful.

Poor attendance can have an adverse impact on, friendship groups, self-confidence, resilience, and social, emotional and mental health. It can have a damaging effect on a child’s education and most work missed during an absence may never effectively be made up. There is a proven link between poor school attendance and low levels of achievement.

Parents do not have any entitlement to take their children on holiday during term time. Any application for leave must establish that there are exceptional circumstances and the Headteacher must be satisfied that the circumstances warrant the granting of leave. Headteachers will determine how many school days a child may be absent from school if the leave is granted. 

Where applications for Leave of Absence are made in advance and refused, the child will be required to be in school on the dates set out in the application. If the child is absent during that period, it will be recorded as an unauthorised absence, which may result in legal action being taken against the parent(s), by way of a Fixed Penalty Notice.

Failure to make an application for leave in advance can also result in a Fixed Penalty Notice being issued to the parent(s). Where a Fixed Penalty Notice is issued and not paid within the required timeframe as set out on the notice, the matter will be referred to Warwickshire County Council’s Legal Services to consider instigating criminal proceedings under S444 Education Act 1996.


Punctuality is a very important life skill to have and it is important that children and parents know that arriving late to school, even by only a minute or two is not acceptable.

Arriving late can be very unsettling for children as well as the class teacher, and children may miss out on important lesson instructions.  They may also miss talking with friends or the teacher before the day officially begins. 

Sometimes being late cannot be avoided due to medical/dental appointments. If your child is going to be late for a valid reason, please inform the school by telephoning or writing a note, preferably in advance. We ask that all pupils return to school as soon as possible after appointments and absences kept to a minimum.

  • Pupils arriving after the classroom doors have been closed must enter the school via the Reception and School Office and parents required to complete the late book giving reasons for lateness
  • Pupils arriving after the register has been closed at 8.55 am, will be marked with an authorised late mark
  • Pupils arriving after 9.25 am will be recorded as an unauthorised absence unless a satisfactory reason is given, for example a doctor’s appointment

Parents/carers who continue to arrive late at school with their children, will receive a letter informing them of the total number of occasions that their child has been late to school and be asked for improvement. Parents/carers of pupils that continue to be persistently late will be invited into the school to discuss the situation. If this pupil is persistently late the school will unauthorise these absences and the school will discuss this with the Attendance Compliance and Enforcement service.

How can parents/ carers ensure good time keeping?

Help your child to develop a routine, sleep is so important and many children do not get enough.

Make sure uniform, lunch and books are organised the night before to save you time in the morning.

The morning routine is important, try to make sure your child has breakfast, is washed and dressed in plenty of time before leaving for school; therefore giving you time for last minute emergencies.

Limit television access on a morning as this slows children and distracts them from getting ready. (Playing music could be a good alternative).

Leave for school a little earlier, this will enable you all to arrive at school relaxed, allowing the children to socialise with their friends before lessons and go into lessons prepared for learning. (This could also make parking easier).

Consider the importance of your child’s education when you book appointments. Where possible book dental and medical appointments after school. If this is not possible ensure your child attends school before and after the appointment and let the school know in advance.

Remember good organisational skills, coupled with good attendance and timekeeping it is vital to your child’s education and teaches them valuable lessons for life.

Keep a good routine during the school holidays and weekends. This can make returning to school easier for everyone.


If your child is on medication we require you to fill in the medical form below and then hand it in to the school office with the required dose  measured into a syringe. 


AFIS Attendance and Punctuality Parents Leaflets

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Medicine Form

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